Abstract Documents:
Bacteriology Session Abstracts
AAVLD Plenary
Epidemiology Session 1 Abstracts
Epidemiology Session 2 Abstracts
Pathology Session 1 Abstracts
Pathology Sesstion 2 Abstracts
Toxicology Session Abstracts
AAVLD/USAHA Joint Plenary Session Abstracts
Virology Session 1 Abstracts
Virology Session 2 Abstracts
Virology Session 3 Abstracts
Deadline for Abstract Submission: June 1,2014
57th Annual AAVLD Meeting, October 16 – 21, 2014 Crown Center Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center Kansas City, MO
Abstracts for oral presentations and posters are solicited on laboratory procedures, techniques, and research that reflect and can be applied to your activities of veterinary laboratory diagnosticians. Reports from all diagnostic laboratory disciplines and about all animal species contribute to a well-balanced program. Investigative case reports are appropriate and encouraged. The AAVLD Program Committee chaired by François Elvinger from Virginia Tech will review all abstracts, and corresponding authors will be notified of acceptance decisions by July 15, 2014. Note: Trainees and, NEW this year! Laboratory staff are encouraged to apply for up to 12 trainee and 3 staff AAVLD Foundation TRAVEL AWARDS!
Thomson Reuters ScholarOne is the official AAVLD provider of online abstract submission and management services. The AAVLD abstract submission weblink is http://aavld2014.abstractcentral.com.
To submit an abstract, login to the AAVLD 2014 Abstract Submission Site with your User ID and Password e- mailed to you by ScholarOne Abstracts (current AAVLD member, previous submitters). For non-members if you did not receive an email from ScholarOne containing your User ID and Password, follow the instructions on the website for creating a new account. After login, follow the online instructions to submit you’re abstract.
Some important particulars of electronic abstract submission on the AAVLD ScholarOne Abstract site include:
1. Only narrative type abstracts will be accepted. Do NOT use headings (i.e. Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and conclusion, etc.) for individual sections.
2. Abstract length is restricted to 3000 characters, about 400 words.
3. Abstract text can be “copied and pasted” into the website from a variety of word processing programs. Word processing files of your abstracts CANNOT be uploaded.
4. Applications for graduate student awards for oral presentation and poster presentations, trainee travel awards, and staff awards are submitted online, concurrent with abstract submission.
5. Authors may edit submitted abstracts until the abstract submission deadline.
6. Abstracts must be accurate and in the complete and final version (edited for grammar and spelling) before submitting to the AAVLD ScholarOne Abstract website. This includes the correct use of italics for pathogen species names.
7. Addition of up to 3 references from peer-reviewed literature, as well as indication of sources and manufacturers of products are possible, but need to be considered within the 400-word limit. Style for quotation and references needs to follow Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation guidelines.
8. Authors can upload PowerPoint presentations on the abstract website ahead of the annual meeting.
9. Published AAVLD Annual Meeting Proceedings will have author and keyword indices.
Publication in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (JVDI), the journal of the AAVLD: We encourage submission of manuscripts to the JVDI based on your oral and poster presentations at the annual meeting. Manuscripts accepted by the JVDI editor after scientific peer-review will be published as refereed journal articles. Guidelines for format and style of manuscripts are published in the journal and on the AAVLD website (www.aavld.org). Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts to the editor for processing prior to the meeting if possible.
Thank you for considering submitting an abstract for presentation of your work at the 2014 AAVLD Annual Meeting. The quality of your presentations in the Scientific Oral and Poster Sessions, according to the recent member survey, is the single most important reason for attending the AAVLD Annual Meeting.
Submit your abstracts EARLY!
Poster boards are 8 feet wide and 4 feet high. They are a velcro board. Push pins (long ones) will be provided to hang the posters
Call for paper PDF click here
Abstract archive click here
We look forward to seeing you at the 2014 AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting to learn about the latest science, issues surrounding animal health and network with your peers.